our story


My name is Jake Magalsky. I started Ace Roofing in January, 2004 in the same way that many small businesses get started. I grew up in a roofing family and had acquired adequate experience to be proud of my abilities as a roofing technician. However, like many young men, I needed to break away. I didn’t get back into roofing until three years after I graduated from business college.


When people started asking me to do roofing projects for them, because they knew I was good at it, it was hard to say no. It was good exercise, I could make money, and I had experience and a knack for the trade.

I charged a fair price for my talent and quickly became so busy I had to ask my sister to help me with tear offs. Soon I was recruiting friends to help get the work done. About two years into this gig I landed a large commercial job that pushed me into a full time business. I got set up like a real business and hired employees.

When I became responsible for the well being of the people that worked for me, I knew that safety was extremely important. Also, from the start, I knew that quality of craftsmanship was something I never wanted to sacrifice. We also had to be capable of getting the work done in a timely fashion for our customers. From these three things our core-values emerged. #1 Accountability #2 Safety #3 Professional #4 Integrity/Quality #5 Respect #6 Efficiency. Because of our adherence to this philosophy, Ace Roofing has become much more than that today.

With quality mentoring from a few people who had more wisdom and knowledge than I, I learned, and continue to learn, about leadership and business structure. I wanted Ace Roofing to be something more than just a few roofers with tool bags, fixing roofs. In my mind, we needed a deeper purpose for being in business. I wanted to define why and how we did business. This has been an incredible journey and the future promises to be a continuation of the same.